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  • Writer's pictureRachel Branaman

Making the most of Dhul Hijjah and the best 10 days

2020 has given us a lot of reasons to grieve. For some, it was the cancellation of congregational prayer at mosques and the loss of community togetherness during Ramadan. For others, it was the adjustments to traditional funeral practices in light of the pandemic, with tayammum safeguards during the Janazah prayers. As we enter the Islamic month of Dhul-Hijjah, we once again experience sadness as international visitors are barred from Hajj out of concern for the coronavirus pandemic.

Despite the grief that the pandemic has brought upon Islam's most sacred celebrations, we have seen the Muslim community adapt and use this blessed time for reflection, forgiveness, and charity. Organizations that would normally fundraise to offset the cost of pilgrimage have used funds to support their communities. Your organization can be a part of a virtual ummah this year and lift up the community through giving and fundraising.

Here are some fundraising examples to learn from during Dhul Hijjah (July 22, 2020-August 19, 2020):

  • Share unique and personal stories about how their contributions affect the everyday lives of your program beneficiaries. This is a good time to also encourage them to automate daily contributions through your website for the first 10 days.

  • Islamic Relief has organized a 45 mile step challenge in partnership with The Fifth Pillar. This creative campaign encourages participants to organize a virtual walk, jog, run, swim, or hike of 45-miles to experience the physical aspects of Hajj. Like Islamic Relief, you can think outside the box to encourage your donors to find ways to connect to the Hajj experience at home while fundraising on behalf of your organization. Encourage participants to blog, share photos, record their thoughts and emotions during the experience to share with their followers, and why they have chosen your organization to support during the best 10 days.

  • LaunchGood projects that through their website they will raise $2 million from 21,000 donors with 310,000 visits to their online giving platform. Consider supplementing your email, social media, and personalized donation requests with an online campaign.

  • Right now, many of us are on social media and looking for stories that connect us with others. Ask your community to record a video, share photos, or record a Facebook/Instagram Live in support of your organization.

If you need help planning or implementing your Dhul Hijjah, connect with us for a 30-minute consultation.

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