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A group of women at a business meeting


We believe when women from nondominant communities are properly invested in and supported, they will become more confident in their professional leadership, more effectively navigate power and privilege issues, increase their capability of bringing people into their cause, and adeptly utilize collaborative networks to raise funds and cross-pollinate the issues their organizations' address.​

It's Never Too Late To Supercharge Your Leadership Skills.
Join a Program Cohort in 2023.

Our Goals Are to Ensure Women:

  • Feel empowered/supported to take on leadership roles

  • Are supported in their roles leading to an increase in retention

  • Have access to fundraising networks to support their initiatives

  • Can effectively collaborate and partner around issues important to their communities

  • Can address barriers to accessibility of leadership roles through collective power- and awareness-raising

  • Create a positive, visible model of powerful BIPOC women in leadership to encourage future leaders

Curriculum Topics

  1. Building a Culture of Public Trust through Confidentiality and Transparency: Understanding how confidentiality, transparency, mandated reporting, and public trust play into your organization's work.

  2. Your Personal Leadership Journey: Reflecting on each person's skillsets and natural work/learning preferences in order to support team development, effectively use employees, build strategic partnerships, and engage with your community.

  3. The Value of Maintaining a Diverse and Inclusive Board of Directors: Sharing the key roles and responsibilities of the governing board, relationships between the board and executive director, and understanding the power differentials at play in this space.

  4. The Power of Community: Ensuring nonprofits are effective, impactful, and working in collaboration with the communities they serve including partnership building and fundraising.

  5. Creating a Healthy Work Environment: Promoting an environment that attracts, cultivates, and retains the people that move your mission forward from paid staff to volunteers, including essential legal aspects of human resources.

  6. Harnessing the Power of Intersectional Identities: Building an organizational culture that prioritizes diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, belonging, and justice.

  7. Nonprofit Management Skills: Examining nonprofit topics that are key to a successful organization such as understanding your organization's financials, building effective program metrics and evaluation, developing and executing culturally responsive fundraising strategies, incorporating community organizing and advocacy into the organization, and implementing strategic marketing and communications.

  8. Culturally Responsive Fundraising Techniques: Understanding cultural norms to successfully fundraise in communities of color, strategies for donor materials, monetary asks, and reaching new communities.
  9. Strategies for Self Care: Focusing on finding a work/life balance, setting boundaries, advocating for yourself and others, prioritizing spiritual/mental/physical/emotional health and growth, time management, and conflict resolution.

  10. Practical Wisdom for Leadership: Overcoming discrimination, microaggressions, and other barriers in organizations and communities that prevent you from thriving.

  11. Approaches to Leadership: As traditional, top-down management approaches are not always effective, this will look at culturally different management approaches (co-CEO, horizontal, intercultural/comparative, etc.).

  12. Strategic Planning for the Future: Examining proven strategic tools to assist in assessing and navigating your organization's course by looking at the theory of change, systems change to address systemic barriers, and methods to implement systemic change.

Inclusive Leadership Development Program Facilitators 

Saadia headshot blue hijab.jpg

Saadia Ahmed

Consultant for

Talem Consulting


Rachel Branaman

Principal Consultant for Talem Consulting

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